
Remote Education Tools for Music & Creative Writing

Give your students the gift of creative expression. With the help of personalized AI technology,  students learn how to write original poems, lyrics, and songs! Ideal for remote education. 


The tools act as training wheels, allowing students to create their own poems and songs right away. As students improve and gain confidence, they become more independent writers and musicians.

Ideal for remote teaching

The remotely accessible tools are ideal hands-on learning in a remote setting.

Goodbye writer's block

Through personalized AI-driven suggestions, the platform enables students to master poetry and songwriting without ever running into writer's block.


Learning feels more like play than work - students enjoy creating their own songs and poems, and proudly share their creations!


LyricStudio is a revolutionary education tool for creative writing, ideal for learning to create original poems and lyrics. The AI engine gives personalized recommendations based on the student’s selected topics and their unique style, allowing the student to easily get started and never have to face writer’s block as they grow in their creative writing capabilities. 


ALYSIA enables students to quickly delve into the world of songwriting, creating their own original lyrics and vocal melodies. The advanced AI engine gives custom recommendations, all easily customizable to support growth as the student gains proficiency in the art of songwriting. Students can also record their own voice right on the app, or use the built-in singing voices to bring their songs to life. 

Coachart ran a songwriting class utilizing WaveAI’s technologies, LyricStudio and ALYSIA. The students loved expressing themselves through song, made simple and fun through these one-of-kind systems. Further, these tools made it possible to offer an engaging educational experience in a remote setting. I highly recommend it for both remote and in-person teaching



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Discounts are available for educational institutions. Please reach out to us for details. 
